From the studio of Paul Kelley

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About the Newsletter

By joining my mailing list, you are making no commitment other than to receiving email notices of "New Artworks" and "Featured Artworks", and general information about my art and events. I welcome your feedback on what you would like to receive in the way of Newsletters, originals information, or any other thoughts on how I may serve you better.

I have trouble producing one Newsletter per month, so the chances of having your inbox being flooded with Newsletters from me are slim to nil, so you may rest assured that I will treat your busy life with the respect that it deserves. You will not be personally contacted unless you request it, and your address information will not be forwarded to any other group or individual.

From the Studio of Paul Kelley
phone: 902-693-3400

Several years ago when I began my newsletter I thought of it as a supplement to the business of marketing my artwork. Since then it has grown into the primary means of connection for clients and followers of my work to stay in touch me and my artwork. Typically it is the newsletter where clients are introduced to new artworks or "featured artworks", and following that we open a dialogue, either by phone or email, which may result in one of my paintings becoming part of their collection. Additionally, there are hundreds of people from countries around the world who silently follow my work each month through the newsletter.

New Artworks

Each new artwork is premiered by way of my newsletter, and it is only on these updates where I post the prices for your convenience.

Featured Artworks

In the "Featured Artwork" section of the newsletter, I generally offer one or two artworks for a special price for a 30 day period. These pieces are offered for between 20% to 50% below their listed price, and this section of the newsletter has become a very popular way for new clients to become introduced to my work, as well as for established buyers to add to their collection.
